XIMNET - The Leading Tech Agency In Malaysia
brand story
Spreading joy

Reimagining our identity for the next decade of our journey



Twenty years has passed and now we are in the year of the corona virus. 

A big Covid-19 comma, paused time and space for us to conceive again the meaning of our lives and work. Or everything we thought we knew about life and work. 

The new weather report is the infection statistics coming through our phones. Yet, in all the newness of the new normal, our hearts are still beating a rhythm we are familiar with, and our hope is still burning inside us.

And stomachs are hungry around us.

Two decades after the dot com gold rush, followed by a startup culture of deadlines on a time warp, with bored millennials who needed to be cajoled at work with toys and trips, a virus did a hard reset on everything we knew.

Yet even in a desert, a seed can germinate if there is real love.

We are XIMNET.
A seed can bud in a desert, if there is Love

From 2000 to 2020

XIMNET started out with odds stacked against it.

Through time, we have put down deep roots into our domain of expertise. The unrelenting digital revolution continues to alter the business landscape with a tsunami of change every few years.

We have been watching the ebb and flow of these changes. And we have been surfing the waves, with some rough days now and then.

The Covid-19 pandemic makes this journey a lot more messy. 

Thankfully, we do enjoy the challenges that come with the work and through it all, we continue to look forward to happy days in the sun. Even if it is just a sliver of ray in the overcast sky.

Beyond trends and business disruptions, we will persevere simply because we are called to serve. And, to continue serving we will.
We are XIMNET.

We thrive in the uncertainty, because we are certain of the triumph of Love

a brand new decade awaiting

We hope the joy of our everyday effort and the love that binds all our work and people together, will be clearly reflected in our projects with our clients.

In the end, if we aren't doing work that put put a smile on your face, we have failed in our Brand Promise.

We will measure our worth against our mantra, because we are here to "Deliver Real Results". Yes, we are the people who will walk another mile for you, so that your burden will be lighter with us around.
We are XIMNET.
It is really about writing the stories of our lives together, with Love

the logo
Refined weight, and defined clearspace, all help to make our logo as instantly recognizable as possible at all sizes and in all contexts. We believe in keeping our logo clean and fuss-free.
XIMNET - Brand Reimagined, New Logo
brand tone
Honest, friendly but committed to do good work, for you.
True to our founder's spirit, we are known as being honest, straightforward and transparent in our communication.

While delivering real results is our absolute goal as a team, our fun-loving soul keeps us warm, approachable and creative as well.
We deliver real results
Brand Elements

As a mature brand with 20 years of experience, we have decided to keep our color palette neutral, open and honest, with emphasis on the brand's original color — Blood Red

We decided to keep the red as the symbol of passion and love in our hearts which ties in deeply to our core values.
Blood red
HEX: B2000B
RGB: 178  0  11  70
CMYK: 0  100  94  30
space blue
HEX: 232B3B
RGB: 35  43  59  23
CMYK: 41  27  0  77
pure white
RGB: 255  255  255
CMYK: 0  0  0  0
For this rebranding exercise, XIMNET took a bold move to embrace serif typeface to represent its maturity. We chose Libre Baskerville as it is an adaptation from the true Baskerville designed back in 1754.

The designer, John Baskerville, was illiterate but became very interested in calligraphy, and practised handwriting and inscription that was later echoed in strokes and embellishments in his printed typeface.

Accompanied by Franklin Libre, the combination balances the impression of modernity and class.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
John quickly extemporized five tow bags
font pairing
Here are some recommendations of font pairings to bring out the best results.
brand collaterals
The key goal is to be purposeful in our brand communication.

Usage of icons are minimal and purposeful. Our icons are made up of as few elements and strokes as possible. Simplicity in our icon designs is to so keep the key messages are clear.
Visuals evoke emotions so we want images that are selected to represent our brand message to be clean, authentic and thoughtful. As our brand matures, visuals should be reduced in colours and desaturated when necessary.

The overall impression should be emotional, elegant and timeless. The use of contrast and grayscale are encourage to create suspense.

As we mature, we need a brand identity that is efficient to use, flexible across applications, and versatile yet consistent in its presentation. This guideline not just a compilation brand assets to us. It is a representation of our voice as a team.
We are XIMNET.
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